International Baccalaureate Credit (IB)

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit for Higher Level IB examinations completed with a grade of 5 or higher will be awarded as indicated in the table below. No credit will be awarded for IB Standard Level exams or additional requirements. A maximum of 30 test credits may be applied toward your degree.

IB Higher Level Examination Minimum Score Syracuse University Credit
Biology 5 8 credits—BIO 121, 123, 124
Business and Management 5 6 credits lower division, free elective only
Chemistry 5 7 credits—CHE 103 and 113
Economics 5 6 credits—ECN 101 and 102
English 5 6 credits—WRT 105 and by petition either ETS 151 and ETS 153
Foreign Languages 5 No credit awarded
Geography 5 6 credits—GEO 105 and 273
History 5 6 credits lower division
Mathematics 5 6 credits—Quantitative skills
Philosophy 5 6 credits—PHI 191 and 197
Physics 5 8 credits—PHY 101, 102
Psychology 5 6 credits—PSY 205 and 274
Social and Cultural Anthropology 5 6 credits—ANT 11 and 121