Global Experience Requirement

Mass communications is a global endeavor. To become effective communicators, Newhouse students are encouraged to develop an appreciation of different cultures around the world. One of the best ways to gain a global perspective is to study abroad. SU Abroad offers programs that last a week, a summer session, or a whole semester. Students are encouraged to satisfy the Global Experience requirement by studying through SU Abroad. Students who are unable to study abroad may fulfill this requirement by taking at least one course from the following list.

Courses that are on this list and that are also on the Divisional Requirement lists may fulfill both the Global requirement and the Divisional requirement. The Diversity requirement and the Global requirement, however, may not be fulfilled with the same course.


AAS 202 Caribbean Society since Independence
AAS 207 A Survey of African Music
AAS 233 The Caribbean Novel
AAS 234 African Fiction
AAS 241/REL 281 African Religions: An Introduction
AAS 305 African Orature
AAS/WGS 307 African Women Writers
AAS/SOC/WGS 309 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in African Diaspora
AAS 312 Pan Africanism
AAS 327 History of Southern Africa
AAS/PSC 341 Politics of Africa
AAS/PSC 346 Comparative Third World Politics
AAS/PSC 364 African International Relations
AAS/PSC 365 International Political Economy of the Third World
AAS/WGS 403 African and Caribbean Women Writers
AAS/SOC/WGS 445 The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital, and Tourism


ANT 121 Peoples and Cultures of the World
ANT/HIS 145 Introduction to Historical Archaeology
ANT 185 Global Encounters: Comparing World Views & Values Cross-Culturally
ANT 273/NAT/REL 244 Indigenous Religions
ANT 318 African Cultures
ANT 322/LAS 318 South American Cultures
ANT/SAS/WGS 324 Modern South Asian Cultures
ANT 326/WGS 327 Africa through the Novel
ANT 327 Anthropology of Race in Latin America and the Caribbean
ANT 357 Health, Healing, and Culture
ANT/GEO/WGS 367 Gender in a Globalizing World
ANT/HTW/MES 382 Health in the Middle East
ANT/LAS 423 Effects of Globalization in Latin American
ANT 427 Brazil: Anthropological Perspectives
ANT 428 Transformation of Eastern Europe
ANT 446 Caribbean Archaeology
ANT/WGS 455 Culture and AIDS
ANT/HTW/WGS 462 Culture and Reproductive Health and Medicine
ANT/HTW 463 Global Health
ANT/IRP/MES 468 Middle East in Anthropological Perspective
ANT/REL 471 Religion and Society in Brazil
ANT 479 Anthropology of Global Transformations
ANT/WGS 553 Women and Social Change


ARB/LIT/MES 336 Arabic Cultures


CAS 311 Living in a Global Environment


ECN 365 The World Economy (Prerequisite: ECN 101 and 102, or ECN 203)
ECN 465 International Trade Theory and Policy (Prerequisite: ECN 301 or 311)


ETS 113 Survey of British Literature, Beginnings to 1789
ETS 114 Survey of British Literature, 1789 to Present
ETS 115 Topics in British Literary History
ETS 121 Introduction to Shakespeare
ETS 174 World Literature, Beginnings to 1000
ETS 175 World Literature, 1000 to Present


FRE 305 Evolution and Revolution through the Centuries
FRE 306 From Romanticism to Postmodernism
FRE 315 French Civilization
FRE 316 Contemporary French Culture
FRE 403 Topics in French and Francophone Literature and Film
FRE 405 French Culture in Age of Louis XIV
FRE 407 French Libertine Fictions
FRE 409 French Culture and Revolution
FRE 411 Moliere
FRE/WGS 412 French Women Writers
FRE 417 “Impressions d’Afrique”: Caribbean Gazes
FRE 419 Sembene Ousmane and the African Cinema
FRE 421 Francophone African Criticism


GEO 272 World Cultures
GEO 273 Geography of the World Economy: Capitalism, Inequality, Politics
GEO/LAS 321 Latin American Development: Spatial Aspects
GEO 325 Colonialism in Latin America
GEO 361 Global Economic Geography
GEO 362 The European City
GEO/ANT/WGS 367 Gender in a Globalizing World
GEO 561 Global Economic Geography


GER 357 Contemporary German Culture and Civilization
GER 365 Nineteenth-Century Prose
GER 366 Nineteenth-Century Drama
GER 367 German Lyrics and Ballads
GER 376 Classicism and Romanticism
GER 377 Literature from 1880 to the Close of World War II
GER 378 German Literature Since World War II
GER 379 German and Austrian Cinema


GRE 310 Greek Prose Authors (Prerequisite: GRE 102)
GRE 320 Readings from Greek Poets


HST 111 Early Modern Europe, 1350-1815
HST 112 Modern Europe: Napoleon to the Present
HST/ANT 145 Introduction to Historical Archaeology
HST/MES 208/MES 318 The Middle East since the Rise of Islam
HST 210 The Ancient World
HST 211 Medieval and Renaissance Europe
HST 231 English History
HST 232 English History
HST 310 The Early Middle Ages
HST 311 Medieval Civilization
HST 312 Reformation of the 16th Century
HST 313 French Revolution: Sun King to Guillotine
HST 314 Europe from Bismarck to the First World War
HST 315 Europe in the Age of Hitler and Stalin
HST 316 Europe Since 1945
HST/MES 319 The Middle East in the 20th Century
HST 320 Traditional China
HST 321 Modern China
HST/LAS 322/SPA 325 Colonial Latin America
HST 323/LAS 313 Modern Latin America
HST/LAS 324 Recent Latin American History
HST 327 A History of Southern Africa
HST/SAS 328 Ancient and Medieval India
HST/SAS 329 Making of Modern India
HST 352 History of Ancient Greece
HST 353 History of Ancient Rome
HST 354 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
HST 355 The Italian Renaissance
HST 356 Modern Italy
HST 357 Culture and Politics in Early Modern England: From Henry VIII to Charles I
HST 358 Revolution and Civil War in 17th-Century England
HST 359 Modern Britain 1850 to the Present
HST 360 Modern France from Napoleon
HST 361 Germany to World War I, 1770-1918
HST/JSP/QSX 362 Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
HST 364 The Origins of Modern Russia
HST 365 Russia in the Twentieth Century
HST 367 Plague to AIDS
HST/LAS/WGS 371 Gender in Latin American History
HST/LAS/NAT 372 Race in Latin America
HST/SAS 375 British Empire
HST 376 Renaissance London (Honors, 4 credits)
HST 377 History of Venice
HST 378 Early Modern Mediterranean
HST/WGS 379 Gender, Race, and Colonialism
HST/JSP 392 History of the Holocaust
HST 393 East Asia and the Socialist Experience
HST 395 Modern Japan
HST 397 Modern Korea


HOA 105 Arts and Ideas I
HOA 106 Arts and Ideas II
HOA 301 Origins of Western Art
HOA 389/ARC 435 Islamic Architecture (Prerequisite: CAS/ARC 134 or HOA 104)
HOA 391 Survey of Asian Art
HOA 439/ARC 433 French Architecture, 16th and 17th Centuries (Prerequisite: CAS/ARC 134 or HOA 105)


HOM 165 Understanding Music I
HOM 166 Understanding Music II
HOM 285/MHL 185 Introduction to World Music
HOM 361 Topics in European Music
HOM 384/SAS 385 Music and Dance of India
HOM 482 The Roots of Global Pop (Prerequisite: Any HOM or MHL course)
HOM 512 World Music and Film (Prerequisite: Any HOM or MHL course)
HOM/DRA 561 Music and Shakespeare
HOM 562 Bach and Handel (Prerequisite: Any HOM or MHL course)


HUM 420 Studies in Renaissance Cultural History


IRP/ANT/MES 468 Middle East in Anthropological Perspective


ITA 376 Contemporary Italian Literature
ITA 432 Verga, Verismo, Southern Novel
ITA 442 Italian Novel under Fascism
ITA 445 Class, Ideology and the Novel After 1968


JSP/REL 114* The Bible in History, Culture, and Religion
JSP/REL 135 Judaism
JSP/REL 215* The Jewish Bible/Christian Old Testament
JSP/LIT/REL 231 Jewish Literature
JSP/REL 307 The Temple and the Dead Sea Scrolls
JSP/REL 311 The Bible as Literature
JSP/LIT/REL 333 Yiddish Literature in Translation
JSP/LIT/MES/REL 335 Israeli Literature and Culture
JSP/REL 337 Shoah: Responding to the Holocaust
JSP/MES/PSC/REL 342 Religion and Politics in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
JSP/HST/QSX 362 Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
JSP/HST 392 History of the Holocaust


LAT 310 Latin Prose Authors
LAT 320 Latin Poets


LAS 302/SPA 322 Introduction to Latin American Literature (Prerequisite: SPA 202)
LAS 313/HST 323 Modern Latin America
LAS 318/ANT 322 South American Cultures
LAS/GEO 321 Latin American Development: Spatial Aspects
LAS/HST 322/SPA 325 Colonial Latin America
LAS/HST 324 Recent Latin American History
LAS 325 Colonialism in Latin America
LAS/SPA 326 Beyond the Screen: Latin American and Spanish Film
LAS/PSC 333 Politics of Latin America
LAS/PSC 358 Latin-American International Relations
LAS/HST/WGS 371 Gender in Latin American History
LAS/HST/NAT 372 Race in Latin America
LAS/ANT 423 Effects of Globalization in Latin America
LAS/SPA 461 Nobel Price Writers of the Spanish-Speaking World
LAS/SPA 463 Contemporary Latin American Theater
LAS/SPA 465 Literature and Popular Culture
LAS/SPA 467 Film and Literature
LAS/SPA 471 Contemporary Latin American Literature
LAS/SPA/WGS 475 Women, Myth, and Nation in Latin American Literature
LAS/SPA 479 Perspectives on Mexico and Central America: Literature, Art, and Film
LAS/SPA 489 Hispanic Caribbean Narrative and Film
LAS/SPA 493 Afro-Hispanic Topics in Caribbean Literature (Prerequisite: SPA 301)
LAS/SPA 495 Marginal Cultures in Hispanic Caribbean Literature
LAS/SPA 497 Text and Context in Cuban Revolutionary Literature


QSX/HST/JSP 362 Nazi Germany and the Holocaust


LIT 101 Introduction to Classical Literature I
LIT 102 Introduction to Classical Literature II
LIT 203 Greek and Roman Epics in English Translation
LIT 211 Greek and Roman Drama in English Translation
LIT 226 Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
LIT 227 Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn
LIT/JSP/REL 231 Jewish Literature
LIT 241 Dante and the Medieval World
LIT 242 Petrarch and the Renaissance World
LIT 243 Cultures of Italy from the Middle Ages to the Present
LIT 245 Florence and Renaissance Civilization
LIT 255 Cervantes in English
LIT 257 Italian Cinema and Culture since World War II
LIT/RUS 331 Russian Culture through Fiction and Film
LIT/RUS 332 Russian Fairy Tales and Folklore
LIT/JSP/REL 333 Yiddish Literature in Translation
LIT/JSP/MES/REL 335 Israeli Literature and Culture
LIT/ARB/MES 336 Arabic Cultures
LIT/RUS 361 Russian Literary Film Adaptations
LIT 510 Studies in Greek and Roman Literature in Translation
LIT 521 Mythology


MAX 132 Global Community


MES/REL/SAS 165 Discovering Islam
MES/HST 208 Middle East since the Rise of Islam
MES 318/HST 208 Middle East since the Rise of Islam
MES/HST 319 The Middle East in the 20th Century
MES/JSP/LIT/REL 335 Israeli Literature and Culture
MES/ARB/LIT 336 Arabic Cultures
MES/JSP/PSC/REL 342 Religion and Politics in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
MES/PSC 344 Politics of the Middle East
MES/PSC 345 Islam and Politics in Asia
MES/PSC 349 Politics of Iran
MES/REL/SAS 364 Enchanting Words: Muslim Poets, Singers, and Storytellers
MES 365/REL/SAS 367 God and Beauty in Islamic Arts
MES/PSC 366 Representations of the Middle East
MES/ANT/HTW 382 Health in the Middle East
MES/REL/SAS/WGS 465 Beyond the Veil: Gender Politics in Islam
MES/ANT/IRP 468 Middle East in Anthropological Perspective


NAT/REL 244/ANT 273 Indigenous Religions
NAT/HST/LAS 372 Race in Latin America


PHI 111 Plato’s Republic
PHI 307 Ancient Philosophy
PHI 308 Classical Islamic Philosophy (Prerequisite: Any PHI course or junior/senior standing)
PHI 313 British Philosophy (Prerequisite: Any PHI course or junior/senior standing)
PHI 418 Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche (Prerequisite: Any PHI course or junior/senior standing)
PHI 422 20th Century French and German Philosophy (Prereq: Any PHI course or junior/senior standing)
PHI 510 Topics in Ancient Philosophy


PSC 123 Comparative Government and Politics
PSC 124(139)* International Relations (or Honors)
PSC 231 Canadian Politics
PSC/LAS 333 Politics of Latin America
PSC/AAS 341 Politics of Africa
PSC/JSP/MES/REL 342 Religion and Politics in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
PSC/MES 344 Politics of the Middle East
PSC/MES 345 Islam and Politics in Asia
PSC/AAS 346 Comparative Third World Politics
PSC 347 Politics of Russia
PSC 348 Politics and the Military
PSC/MES 349 Politics of Iran
PSC 354 Human Rights and Global Affairs
PSC 355 International Political Economy
PSC/LAS 358 Latin-American International Relations
PSC 359 Foreign Policymaking
PSC/AAS 364 African International Relations
PSC/AAS 365 International Political Economy of the Third World
PSC/MES 366 Representations of the Middle East
PSC 372 Marxist


PSY 375 Cross-Cultural Psychology (Prerequisite: PSY 205 or 209)


REL 101 Religions of the World
REL 102 Religion Today in a Globalizing World
REL/JSP 114* The Bible in History, Culture, and Religion
REL/JSP 135 Judaism
REL 156 Christianity
REL/MES/SAS 165 Discovering Islam
REL/SAS 185 Hinduism
REL/SAS 186 Buddhism
REL 205 Ancient Greek Religion
REL 206 Greco-Roman Religion
REL/JSP 215* The Jewish Bible/Christian Old Testament
REL 217* The New Testament
REL 227 Gods: A Cross-Cultural Gallery
REL/JSP/LIT 231 Jewish Literature
REL/NAT 244/ANT 273 Indigenous Religions
REL 281/AAS 241 African Religions: An Introduction
REL/SAS 283 India’s Religious Worlds
REL 294 Mythologies
REL 301 Ancient Near Eastern Religions and Cultures
REL/JSP 307 The Temple and the Dead Sea Scrolls
REL 309 Early Christianities
REL/JSP 311 The Bible as Literature
REL/JSP/LIT 333 Yiddish Literature in Translation
REL/JSP/LIT/MES 335 Israeli Literature and Culture
REL/JSP 337 Shoah: Responding to the Holocaust
REL/JSP/MES/PSC 342 Religion and Politics in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
REL/MES/SAS 364 Enchanting Words: Muslim Poets, Singers, and Storytellers
REL/SAS 367/MES 365 God and Beauty in Islamic Art
REL/SAS/WGS 384 Goddesses, Women, and Power in Hinduism
REL 385 Religion in Chinese Society
REL/MES/SAS/WGS 465 Beyond the Veil: Gender Politics in Islam
REL/ANT 471 Religion and Society in Brazil
REL 487 Global Hinduism


RUS 320 Contemporary Russian Media (Prerequisite: RUS 202)
RUS/LIT 331 Russian Culture through Fiction and Film (Prerequisite: RUS 202)
RUS/LIT 332 Russian Fairy Tales and Folklore (Prerequisite: RUS 201)
RUS 351 Introduction to Russian Literature
RUS 352 Introduction to Russian Literature
RUS/LIT 361 Russian Literary Film Adaptations (Prerequisite: RUS 202)


SOC/AAS/WGS 309 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in African Diaspora
SOC 415 Global Cities
SOC 434 Globalization and Social Change
SOC/AAS/WGS 445 The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital, and Tourism
SOC 447 Social Changes and Conflict in Modern China


SAS/MES/REL 165 Discovering Islam
SAS/REL 185 Hinduism
SAS/REL 186 Buddhism
SAS/REL 283 India’s Religious Worlds
SAS/WGS/ANT 324 Modern South Asian Cultures
SAS/HST 328 Ancient and Medieval India
SAS/HST 329 Making of Modern India
SAS/MES/REL 364 Enchanting Words: Muslim Poets, Singers, and Storytellers
SAS/REL 367/MES 365 God and Beauty in Islamic Art
SAS/HST 375 British Empire
SAS/REL/WGS 384 Goddesses, Women, and Power in Hinduism
SAS 385/HOM 384 Music and Dance of India
SAS/MES/REL/WGS 465 Beyond the Veil: Gender Politics in Islam


SPA 321 Introduction to Spanish Literature
SPA 322/LAS 302 Introduction to Latin American Literature
SPA 325/LAS/HST 322 Colonial Latin America (Prerequisite: SPA 201)
SPA/LAS 326 Beyond the Screen: Latin American and Spanish Film
SPA 441 Medieval and Golden Age Literature
SPA 443 Cervantes
SPA 451 Identities and Cultures of Spain
SPA 453 Spanish Literature (20th Century)
SPA 455 Romantics and Realists: Gender Politics in Spanish Literature and Film
SPA 457 Civil War to Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture
SPA 458 20th Century Spanish Theater
SPA/LAS 461 Nobel Prize Writers of the Spanish-Speaking World
SPA/LAS 463 Contemporary Latin American Theater
SPA/LAS 465 Literature and Popular Culture
SPA/LAS 467 Film and Literature
SPA/LAS 471 Contemporary Latin American Literature
SPA/LAS/WGS 475 Women, Myth, and Nation in Latin American Literature
SPA/LAS 479 Perspectives on Mexico and Central America: Literature, Art, Film
SPA/LAS 489 Hispanic Caribbean Narrative and Film
SPA/LAS 493 Afro-Hispanic Topics in Caribbean Literature
SPA/LAS 495 Marginal Cultures in Hispanic Caribbean Literature
SPA/LAS 497 Text and Context in Cuban Revolutionary Literature


WGS/AAS 307 African Women Writers
WGS/AAS/SOC 309 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in African Diaspora
WGS/ANT/SAS 324 Modern South Asian Cultures
WGS 327/ANT 326 African through the Novel
WGS/ANT/GEO 367 Gender in a Globalizing World
WGS/HST/LAS 371 Gender in Latin American History
WGS/HST 379 Gender, Race, and Colonialism
WGS/REL/SAS 384 Goddesses, Women, and Power in Hinduism
WGS/AAS 403 African and Caribbean Women Writers
WGS/FRE 412 French Women Writers
WGS/CRS/WRT 436 Feminist Rhetoric(s)
WGS 439 Women, Gender, and Violence in a Transnational Context
WGS/AAS/SOC 445 The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital, and Tourism
WGS 452 Feminism and Postcolonial Studies (Prerequisite: WGS 101 or 201 or 301 or 310 or 410)
WGS/ANT/HTW 462 Culture and Reproductive Health and Medicine
WGS/MES/REL/SAS 465 Beyond the Veil: Gender Politics in Islam
WGS/LAS/SPA 475 Women, Myth, and Nation in Latin American Literature
WGS/ANT 553 Women and Social Change


WRT/CRS/WGS 436 Feminist Rhetoric(s) (Prerequisite: WRT 205 or WRT or ENL 213)


School of Architecture

ARC 433/HOA 439 French Architecture, 16th and 17th Centuries (Prerequisite: CAS/ARC 134 or HOA 105)
ARC 435/HOA 389 Islamic Architecture (Prerequisite: CAS/ARC 134 or HOA 105)

School of Management

LPP/SCM 459 The Law of Global Business (Prerequisites: LPP 255 and SCM 265)
SCM/LPP 459 The Law of Global Business (Prerequisites: LPP 255 and SCM 265)
SOM 354 Managing in a Global Setting

College of Sports and Human Dynamics

FST 217 World Cuisines
HTW/ANT/MES 382 Health in the Middle East
HTW/ANT/WGS 462 Culture and Reproductive Health and Medicine
HTW/ANT 463 Global Health
SPM 381 International Sports (Prerequisite: SPM 205)

Newhouse School of Public Communications

ADV 345 International Advertising (Prerequisite: COM 107)
TRF 560 Topics in International Perspectives

College of Visual and Performing Arts

CRS 430 Intercultural Communication
CRS/WGS/WRT 436 Feminist Rhetoric(s)
CRS 551 History of British Public Address
DRA 352 Survey of Theatre History (Prerequisite: DRA 115)
DRA/HOM 561 Music and Shakespeare
FAS 335 History of Fashion Design I: Origins and Revivals
FAS 336 History of Fashion Design II: Contemporary Trends
FAS 526 Cultural Aspects of Clothing
MHL 185/HOM 285 Introduction to World Music
RAE 411 Global Commerce and Law for the Music Entertainment Industry


Students may receive credit for one of the courses in the following pairs:

  • JSP/REL 114: The Bible in History, Culture and Religion or JSP/REL 215: The Jewish Bible/Christian Old Testament
  • JSP/REL 114: The Bible in History, Culture and Religion or REL 217: The New Testament
  • PSC 124: International Relations or PSC 139: International Relations

Global Experience courses which are not listed under Arts and Sciences or cross listed with Arts and Sciences may not count toward the 61-credit Arts and Sciences requirement.