Degree Requirement Check Sheet

The Degree Requirement Check sheet is part of your official record in the Newhouse Undergraduate Advising and Records Office. We thought it would be helpful for you to have a copy. You might consider bringing your copy with you to compare to the Newhouse Undergraduate Advising and Records Office copy when you sign up for your junior-year Degree Check in the Newhouse Undergraduate Advising and Records Office (316 Newhouse 3). It is used to track core requirements and courses not in your Newhouse major.

The Degree Requirement Check sheet is part of your official record in the Newhouse Undergraduate Advising and Records Office. We thought it would be helpful for you to have a copy. You might consider bringing your copy with you to compare to the Newhouse Undergraduate Advising and Records Office copy when you sign up for your junior-year Degree Audit in the Newhouse Undergraduate Advising and Records Office (316 Newhouse 3). It is used to track core requirements and courses not in your Newhouse major.

PC/IS Check Sheet

Skills Requirement

Basic Writing
Writing Intensive
Proficiency Requirement
Foreign Languages
Quantitative Skills
Computer Programming

Divisional Requirements (nine courses)

Social Sciences
Natural Sciences (one must be a lab)
Information Studies Major (39-40 credits)
Arts and Sciences Electives

PC/IS Check Sheet

Skills Requirement

Basic Writing
Writing Intensive
Proficiency Requirement
Foreign Languages
Quantitative Skills
Computer Programming

Divisional Requirements (nine courses)

Social Sciences
Natural Sciences (one must be a lab)
Information Studies Major (39-40 credits not including computer programming course)
Arts and Sciences Electives