A. Skills Requirements

Basic Writing
3 credits

CAS 100 or WRT 105 or 109: Writing Studio (1 course)
Complete in first semester.

Foreign Languages
8 credits

Two courses in foreign languages.
Complete in first year.

Quantitative Skills
3-4 credits

One course from the approved list of courses in applied mathematics and statistics.
Complete in first or second year.

Computer Programming
3 credits

CPS 196: Introduction to Computer Programming
(or other programming class by petition)
Complete in first or second year.

Writing Intensive
6 Credits

Two courses from the approved Writing Intensive course list.
Complete in first and second years.

Proficiency Requirement
0-4 credits

Proficiency in Foreign Languages or Mathematics must be demonstrated by completing one of the following:

  1. A language course numbered 201 or higher
  2. A mathematics sequence
  3. A calculus course with a grade of C or higher

Complete in first or second years.

Basic Writing
3 credits

CAS 100 or WRT 105 or 109: Writing Studio (1 course)
Complete in first semester.

Foreign Languages
8 credits

Two courses in foreign languages.
Complete in first year.

Quantitative Skills
3-4 credits

One course from the approved list of courses in applied mathematics and statistics.
Complete in first or second year.

Computer Programming
3 credits

CPS 196: Introduction to Computer Programming
(or IST 256: Application Programming for Information Systems)
Complete in first or second year.

Writing Intensive
6 Credits

Two courses from the approved Writing Intensive course list.
Complete in first and second years.

Proficiency Requirement
0-4 credits

Proficiency in Foreign Languages or Mathematics must be demonstrated by completing one of the following:

  1. A language course numbered 201 or higher
  2. A mathematics sequence
  3. A calculus course with a grade of C or higher

Complete in first or second years.

Basic Writing
3 credits

CAS 100 or WRT 105 or 109: Writing Studio (1 course)
Complete in first semester.

Foreign Languages
8 credits

Two courses in foreign languages.
Complete in first year.

Quantitative Skills
3-4 credits

One course from the approved list of courses in applied mathematics and statistics.
Complete in first or second year.

Computer Programming
3 credits

IST 256: Application Programming for Information Systems
(other courses may be considered by petition)
Complete in first or second year.

Writing Intensive
6 Credits

Two courses from the approved Writing Intensive course list.
Complete in first and second years.

Proficiency Requirement
0-4 credits

Proficiency in Foreign Languages or Mathematics must be demonstrated by completing one of the following:

  1. A language course numbered 201 or higher
  2. A mathematics sequence
  3. A calculus course with a grade of C or higher

Complete in first or second years.